The Charitable Payraise® & The ROQS® Method were created to help hard working, long serving W-2 employees ‘do well by doing good’, resulting in maximization of their retirement assets and increasing their after-tax retirement cash flow.
Hardworking W-2 Baby Boomers are in trouble when they retire. Individuals with company stock in their 401Ks are particularly at risk given tax penalties, and concentrated stock risk.
Nonprofits such as university endowments, charities that are local, regional, or even national can take advantage of having a new tool to expand their donor base.
Advisors have the ability to provide a new innovative solution for their current clients and expand their offerings for families and individuals who want to leave a legacy and generate more after tax retirement cash flow.
© 2021 The Charitable Payraise, LLC All rights reserved. | ROQS® and The Charitable Payraise® are Trademarks of The Charitable Payraise, LLC.®